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Forge and lumber

4mm Forge & Lumber - Comsur Fit Cynr

4mm Forge & Lumber - Comsur Fit Cynr

Regular price £5.00 GBP
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Sicrhewch y ffit perffaith ar gyfer eich cylch gyda'n Comfort Fit Ring Sizer. Wedi'i gynllunio i fesur meintiau UD 2 i 13, y maintiwr hwn yw'r ffordd fwyaf cywir o ddod o hyd i faint eich cylch ar gyfer modrwyau hyd at 5mm o led.

Datgysylltwch y maint a ddymunir o faintydd cylch Forge & Lumber a dewch o hyd i un sy'n ffitio'n glyd ond yn gyfforddus. Rhowch siglad i'ch llaw fel petaech chi'n cyfarch yr anialwch ar ôl taith gerdded lwyddiannus. Os yw'r maintiwr yn aros, rydych chi wedi dod o hyd i'ch maint perffaith! Os na, parhewch â'ch ymchwil. Dylai fod angen i chi ddefnyddio ychydig o rym i'w lithro oddi ar eich bys, gan nodi ffit diogel.

Ystyriwch eich ffordd o fyw a sut rydych chi am i'ch cylch ffitio. Os yw'n well gennych fodrwy sydd â rhywfaint o symudiad neu un sy'n aros yn gadarn yn ei lle trwy gydol eich anturiaethau dyddiol, addaswch eich maint dewisol yn unol â hynny.

Gwisgwch eich maint dethol am ychydig oriau wrth i chi gymryd rhan yn eich gweithgareddau bob dydd, gan sicrhau ei fod yn gydymaith perffaith ar gyfer eich taith.

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cadarnhau eich maint, dychwelwch yma i ddod o hyd i'ch cylch Efail a Lumber!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Beautiful rings, outstanding service

We wanted something different for our wedding rings, the rings we chose were The Pango and the Tana, both rings were beautiful and unique, excellent customer service, forgot to add engraving, that was easily rectified and once the size was ok, ordered the sizing guide as well, we were able to send back for engraving, rings are beautiful, can't wait for our wedding to be able to wear them, the boxes they come in are beautiful also and the silicone rings such a good idea, highly recommend for wedding rings that are different and unique, but so beautiful.

Philip Halford

Forge & Lumber - Ring Sizer

Sian Mann

Does what is says. Accurate.

Sarah Robinson
Ring sizer

Bought this to ensure I got the right size for the eventual ring I chose. Perfect and well worth the £5

Craig Goodman

Value for money I cannot wait to order my ring, once the shop is set up and I can chat with someone over the phone